torsdag 14 maj 2009

Summer party

I have to start planning for the yearly summer party for work and I have lots of ideas for a theme but I've done them a million times so I need some new ideas...The terrace at the office is great though...just the view could be enough but it has to be a lot more as well. Last year I had the sword swallower, belly dancers and fire,..something..jugglers Hmm ;) I'll figure something out. Ideas? Hawaii style? Brazilian? ;)

7 kommentarer:

Therese Lindberg sa...

får jag komma? :)

Carulenah sa...

Bara om du klär dig som på bilden ;)

Milena sa...

Latino style? LOL

Carulenah sa...

Jag tänkte på det men så fick jag skämmas lite ;)

Anne sa...

Spice up din nationaldrakt?

Therese Lindberg sa...

klart jag kommer klä mig så... :P ingen risk att brösten åker ur bikinin iaf HAHA LOL

Carulenah sa...

We are going for Brazilian night!!!! yeyeyeyey